Ep. #55 - Debbie Godfrey Encourages You with Her Story of How She Went from Being a Struggling Mother to Helping Parents Make Parenting More Rewarding, Effective and Fun

We have heard about positive parenting before, but what is truly involved?  Debbie Godfrey brings an interesting perspective with “peace begins at home”.  She shares her inspiring story about how she first learned to parent better when she was seeking refuge with her children at a women’s shelter from her abusive husband.  She realized that yelling at and threatening her children were not effective methods to use to raise them.   A certified parent educator and author, she has helped parents for decades go from despair to hope with their children.

Website: www.positiveparenting.com

Email: debbie@positiveparenting.com


Ep. #56 - Dr. Basil Richards Inspires You to Always Strive for Integrity and the Betterment of Others


Ep. #54 - Transformational Speaker Robert A. Belle Motivates You to Unleash Your Creativity Through Understanding You Were Born Unique and Gaining Confidence in Developing Your Uniqueness