Ep. #53 - “Not Your Average Problem Solver”, John Verrico Motivates You to Keep Your Inner Motivational TORCH Burning

John Verrico is a humorist, torchbearer, problem solver, and motivational speaker who will inspire you with his story of going from being picked on in school, becoming a student wrestler, then a disco dance instructor, to a public affairs specialist with a very successful career in the U. S. Navy in media, community, and employee relations.  He teaches how to keep your motivational TORCH burning.  TORCH is an acronym for the elements we need to help us stay motivated. 

Website: www.johnverrico.com

Email: john@johnverrico.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdVUcu41ccW_qs0GSpV-qA/videos


Ep. #54 - Transformational Speaker Robert A. Belle Motivates You to Unleash Your Creativity Through Understanding You Were Born Unique and Gaining Confidence in Developing Your Uniqueness


Ep. #52 - Internationally Acclaimed Christian Speaker, Leader and Mentor Marnie Swedberg Inspires You with Her Story of Resiliency, Comebacks, Possibility Thinking and Profound Faith